Jim Rebhuhn, AFM
Farm Manager

Contact Information
- 102 Palisades Road
P.O. Box 50
Mt. Vernon, IA 52314
- 319-382-3353
- jimr@hertz.ag
"Serving the Farm Management Profession for over 40 years."
B.S. Agronomy, Iowa State University
Licensed Real Estate Broker in Iowa, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
Accredited Farm Manager, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Jim is an Accredited Farm Manager and manages the Mt. Vernon, Iowa, office. He has appraised, managed, sold and acquired rural properties for clients throughout Iowa since 1979, and holds an Iowa real estate broker's license.
Holding membership in various organizations such as Farm Managers Advisory Board for various agri-business firms and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers keeps Jim abreast of new information in the field of agriculture. In 1999, Jim served as president of the Iowa Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. He is also the 1991 National Farm Manager of the Year and holds the 1997 National Conservation Award.
Jim was raised on a farm near Albert City, Iowa, and graduated from Iowa State University with a bachelor's degree in Agronomy in 1979. He is married and the father of two children.