Location Information
30195 Acre Rd.
Acreage Details: 375.25 (Acres, m/l)
47.90 CSR2
375.25 acres, m/l, located southwest of Volga, Iowa on the north and south sides of Acre Rd.
This farm has 103.64 FSA/Eff. crop acres with a CSR2 of 47.90. There are also 100.85 acres enrolled in 5 CRP contracts. There are 47.58 acres enrolled in a CP-
38E-2 contract that pays $247.76/acre or $11,788 annually and expires September 30, 2026. There are 22.61 acres enrolled in a CP-15A contract that pays $166.61/acre or $3,767 annually and expires September 30, 2030. There are 22.23 acres enrolled in a CP-25 contract that pays $175.54/acre or $3,902 annually and expires September 30, 2027. There are 4.49 acres enrolled in a CP-38E-25 contract that pays $264.45/ acre or $1,187 annually and expires September 30, 2031. There are 3.94 acres enrolled in a CP-38E-25 contract that pays $148.83/acre or $586 annually and expires September 30, 2030.
There is a 2-story home that was built in 1900 consisting of 2,488 sq. ft. of living space, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a full basement with 1,320 sq. ft. and a detached garage on this property as well as several outbuildings.
• 42' x 86' Flat barn built in 1900.
• 60' x 95' Attached shed built in 1974.
• 16' x 30' Utility building built in 1900.
• 32' x 34' Utility building built in 1900.
• 16' x 29' Steel grain storage bin built in 1976.
• 30' x 30' Steel grain storage bin built in 1982.
This property has a nice mix of farmland, CRP, timber and ponds located along a hard-surfaced road.