Location Information
Deerfield Rd.
Acreage Details: 126.42 (Acres, m/l)
68.30 CSR2
126.42 acres, m/l, located 4 miles northwest of Clermont, IA. There is a perpetual easement to access this property from Deerfield Rd.
Property is a mix of CRP acres and timber with Fitzgerald Creek running through the property. There are 42.94 acres enrolled in three CRP contracts that expire 9/30/2025 and pay $14,080 annually. There is also a 1 BR/1 BA hunter's cabin built in 2009 with 704 sq. ft. Cabin is solar and generator powered. There is also an 8' x 10' metal shed on the property.
This is a beautiful, well-managed mixed-use farm with high quality soils (CRP acres carry a CSR2 of 68.30), mature timber and creek.