Location Information
280th St.
Acreage Details: 113.05 (Acres, m/l)
52.50 CSR2
113.05 acres, m/l, located 4½ miles northeast of Fremont, Iowa on the south side of 280th St.
This farm has 9.07 FSA/Eff. crop acres and 25.50 CRP acres enrolled in a CP-2 CRP contract that pays $4,591 annually and expires on 9/30/23. The CSR2 on the FSA/Eff. crop and CRP acres is 52.50.
There is a 10' x 20' portable shed on this property.
The native grasses and timber provide good wildlife habitat on this recreational farm. The farm has income from cropland, CRP, and livestock pasture.
Seller has an additional 133.55 acres of land for sale located southwest of this property.Click Here for Details!