Location Information
29742 Yates Ave.
Acreage Details: 133.55 (Acres, m/l)
68.30 CSR2
133.55 acres, m/l, located 2 miles northeast of Fremont, Iowa on the east side of Yates Ave.
This property has 24.60 FSA/Eff. crop acre and 53.21 acres of CRP enrolled in a CP-38E-4D CRP contract that pays $9,684.00 annually and expires on 9/30/30. The CSR2 on the FSA/Eff. crop and CRP acres is 68.30.
There is a one-story house with one bedroom and two bathrooms on this property which consists of 672 square feet and was built in 1959.
There is a 45' x 54' pole barn and a 16' x 22' shed on this property.
This scenic farm has incredible wildlife habitat and an acreage site. This secluded location would be great for a hunting camp or to build your dream home.
Seller has an additional 113.05 acres of land for sale located northeast of this property. Click Here for Details!