Sale Pending - Richland Co., ND - 160.00 Ac., m/l (190-0238-03)

Quality Richland County Farm!

Sale Pending!

Photo of Jared Augustine

Jared Augustine

  • Licensing: Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in Minnesota, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.; Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in Iowa, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.; Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in North Dakota, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
  • JaredA@Hertz.Ag
  • JaredA@Hertz.Ag
  • 507-246-0903
Full Profile

Photo of Tanner Clementz

Tanner Clementz, CCA

  • Licensing: Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in Minnesota, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.; Licensed Real Estate Salesperson in North Dakota, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
  • TannerC@Hertz.Ag
  • TannerC@Hertz.Ag
  • 507-246-0912
Full Profile
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Location Information

North Dakota
82nd St. SE at 179th Ave. SE
Nearest City

Acreage Details: 160.00 (Acres, m/l)

Soil Productivity Rating
37.50 NCCPI
Tillable Acres

160.00 acres, m/l, located southwest of Wahpeton, North Dakota on the west side of 179th Ave. SE.

This nearly level farm has 153.77 FSA/Eff. crop acres with an NCCPI rating of 37.50.

This property also includes:

  • 90' x 40' Quonset
  • 50' x 30' Quonset
  • Grain bin - approximately 4,000 bushels

This is a quality Richland County farm that is adjacent to County Drain #18.

Seller has additional farmland located northwest of this property. Click Here for Details!

Seller has additional farmland located north of this property. Click Here for Details!

Seller has additional land located west of this property. Click Here for Details!