Closed - Harrison Co., IA - 7.20 Ac., m/l (000-3859-09)

Five, Wean-to-Finish Hog Buildings!

Sold for $25,000 - Closed on 11/15/24

Photo of Kyle Hansen

Kyle Hansen, ALC

  • Licensing: Licensed Real Estate Broker in Iowa, Hertz Real Estate Services, Inc.; Licensed Real Estate Broker in Arizona, Nebraska and Missouri, Hertz Farm Management, Inc.
  • 515-382-7946
Full Profile
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Location Information

2620 130th St.
Nearest City

Acreage Details: 7.20 (Acres, m/l)

Five, wean-to-finish hog buildings located near Woodbine, Iowa on the south side of 130th St. at 2620 130th St. (West site) and at 2636 130th St. (East site)

There are 3 - 2,400 head wean-to-finish hog barns built in 2008, remodeled in 2015. Each barn is 100’ x 190’ with 8’ pit under each barn, wood-framed w/ poured concrete stem, fully insulated walls, and enclosed, heated 8’ hallway/loadout.

There are 2 - 930 head wean-to-finish hog barns built in 1993 that are 40’ x 180’ in size. Wood-framed w/ poured concrete stem, fully insulated walls, enclosed, heated 4’ hallway/loadout. 2015 updates include: ventilation, feeders, vaporizing cool lines, heat, Maximus controllers, LED lighting and more. 

All buildings have the SKOV style thermostatically controlled, ceiling mounted 36” and 24” chimney fans. There are actuated ceiling mounted air inlets. Each room is designed to move 155,000 CFM of air.

There are nipple waterers in the feeders. There is one well that is utilized by both sites.

There are 8, 12-ton feed bins. PVC flex auger delivers feed to double sided, SDI, stainless steel feeders in pens located at the west site.  There are multiple feed bins of various sizes on site. PVC flex auger delivers feed to various double-sided, SDI stainless steel feeders in pens located at the east site.

Sites need extensive remodeling, salvage only. Contact agent for details.