Location Information
Hwy W7C
Acreage Details: 159.72 (Acres, m/l)
45.00 CSR2
159.72 acres, m/l, located southwest of Gunder, Iowa on the west side of Hwy W7C.
This farm has 73.33 FSA/Eff. crop acres with a CSR2 of 45.00. There are also 37.63 acres enrolled in three CRP contracts. There are 15.34 acres enrolled in a CP22 contract that pays $59.00/acre - or $905.00 annually - and expires 09/30/2024. There are 9.71 acres enrolled in a CP12/CP3A contract that pays $172.40/acre - or $1,674.00 annually - and expires 09/30/2025. There are 12.58 acres enrolled in a CP25 contract that pays $200.58/acre - or $2,523.00 annually - and expires 09/30/2025.
This is a nice Clayton County farm with tillable land, CRP income and recreational opportunities.