Closed - Parcel 1 - Dallas Co., IA - 41.58 Ac., m/l (000-3886-01)
Auction: Closed - Dallas Co., IA - 84.78 Ac., m/l (000-3886)

Parcel 1 of 2
Photo of Matt Vegter

Matt Vegter

image for print view

Location Information

Maple Ridge Rd.
Nearest City

Acreage Details: 41.58 (Acres, m/l)

Soil Productivity Rating
74.00 CSR2
Tillable Acres
40.40 Est.

41.58 acres, m/l, located 2 miles west of De Soto, Iowa on the east side of Maple Ridge Rd.

This nearly level to moderately sloping farm has an estimated 40.40 FSA/Eff. crop acres with a CSR2 of 74.00.

This is a smaller tract of ag land that would make a great building lot. The property is 2 miles off I-80 in De Soto and 20 minutes from the Des Moines metro.

Method of Sale
These parcels will be offered individually and/or in combination.
  • This is a One-Chance Sealed Bid Sale
  • There is no online bidding
  • All interested parties are required to make Sealed Bids on purchase contract forms provided by Hertz Real Estate Services.
  • Contact Sales Manager for Bid Packet