Location Information
280th St. @ Harvest Ave.
Acreage Details: 121.48 (Acres, m/l)
95.10 CPI
121.48 acres, m/l, located 1 mile southeast of Seaforth on the northeast side of the intersection of Harvest Ave. and 280th St./Hwy.12.
This farm has 70.77 FSA crop acres with a CPI rating of 95.10. There are an additional 45.12 acres in CRP contracts as follows:
- There are 19.80 acres enrolled in a CP-21 contract that pays $5,575.00 annually and expires 9/30/2032.
- There are 25.32 acres enrolled in a CP-27 & 28 contract that pays $6,546.00 annually and expires 9/30/2032.
This is a highly productive Redwood County farm, and buyer will have full farming rights for the 2023 crop year.