Closed - Polk Co., IA - 80.71 Ac., m/l (000-3706-01)

Transitional Ag Land Near Altoona City Limits!

Sold for $18,501/Ac. - Closed on 4/19/22

Photo of Matt Vegter

Matt Vegter, ALC

Full Profile

Photo of Jake Miller

Jake Miller, AFM

Full Profile
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Location Information

NE 27th Ave.
Nearest City

Acreage Details: 80.71 (Acres, m/l)

Soil Productivity Rating
70.40 CSR2
Tillable Acres
CRP Acres

80.71 acres, m/l, located east of Altoona, near the city limits of Altoona, on the south side of NE 27th Ave.

This property has 59.59 FSA/Eff. crop acres with a CSR2 of 70.40.  There are also 5.90 acres enrolled in a CP-21 CRP contract that pays $1,239.00 annually and expires on 9/30/29.

This property is zoned Agricultural Transition District and currently has seven building lots platted.

This is an excellent opportunity to collect rental and CRP income on a development property in Polk County.

All sealed bids are required to be made on purchase contract forms provided by Hertz Real Estate Services.
To Request a Sealed Bid Packet, Contact Sale Manager; MatVegter in our Nevada, IA Office.
Sealed Bids Due: Wednesday, February 02, 2022 at 12:00 Noon, CST

Method of Sale
This property will be offered as a single tract of land.
  • This is a One-Chance Sealed Bid Sale
  • There is no online bidding
  • All interested parties are required to make Sealed Bids on purchase contract forms provided by Hertz Real Estate Services.
  • Contact Sales Manager for Bid Packet