Our Winter 2025 In-Person Landowner Educational Seminars Are Open For Registration! 

Join us at one of our Landowner Educational Seminar locations to learn how agriculture is evolving and how those changes will impact land values, leases and more. These seminars are designed for landowners who don’t farm their land. If you’re planning for the next generation of owners, we encourage you to bring your children and/or grandchildren!

To Register, scroll down and select the location below that you would like to attend.

Topics Include:

  • Grain Markets
  • Lease Trends/Leasing Alternatives
  • Beyond the Headlines
  • Client Services
  • Land Trends and Values
  • Hertz Farmland Professionals Panel

Additional Information:

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., Seminar from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Cost: $35 per person or $50 per couple. Walk-in price: $50 per person, $75 per couple.
There is no charge for current clients.
Registration confirmation, an agenda, and a location map will be provided to you.

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