May 2019 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

 With the arrival of spring fieldwork and planting operations, we mark the beginning of another farmland sales season. It seems that the farmland market across Iowa sets a slightly new course each year, based in part on how things are going out in the fields.

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April 2019 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Spring has finally arrived in Iowa, and with it, optimism for 2019. The Iowa farmland market in early 2019 has held up its end of the bargain, with continued resilience and stability.

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March 2019 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

The early 2019 Iowa farmland market continues its overall resilience and stability.

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February 2019 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Although land value differences exist across various neighborhoods throughout the State of Iowa,the Iowa farmland market continues to show somewhat surprising resiliency and stability.

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Tax Time – What Farm Owners Need to Know

Want to know how the new tax bill impacts you as a farmland owner? Jeff Troendle, our President of Farm Management, gives a breakdown of the new tax bill.

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January 2019 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Welcome to 2019 – it seems like we just turned the calendar to 2018, and yet here we are already welcoming another new year! As we enter 2019, it’s worth looking back over the 2018 crop year one last time. 

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December 2018 Wallace’s Farmer “MarketPlace Extra”

Fall harvest operations have nearly concluded across the State of Iowa. Despite variable growing season conditions, strong yield expectations were met (or exceeded) in most regions of the state. Strong overall yield results will be supportive to a land market that otherwise faces some headwinds going into the off-season including higher interest rates, relatively weak commodity price levels, and significant trade uncertainties.

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Auction Calendar