November 2024 Wallace’s Farmer MarketPlace Extra
Of course, no Seller wants to admit they have missed the “high” in the market, but the vast majority understand the big picture. There are still plenty of buyers for additional land being offered to the market, they are just not willing to pay quite as much as a year ago...
October 2024 Wallace’s Farmer MarketPlace Extra
While the farmland market has largely been in a holding pattern for much of 2024 thus far, the outcome of harvest every year seems to set the tone for the land market moving forward.
September 2024 Wallace’s Farmer MarketPlace Extra
Thus far, the 2024 growing season has provided an unusual level of “variety” – some good, some not so good.
Steve Hiniker, AFM, Earns Highest Professional Status
Hertz Farm Management is proud to announce that Steven J. Hiniker, AFM, has been awarded the Accredited Farm Manager (AFM) designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® (ASFMRA®).
Farm Succession Planning
Having this conversation gets to the heart of what it takes to keep farms within families.
Hertz Appraiser Melissa Halpin Earns Highest Professional Status
Hertz Farm Management is proud to announce Melissa Halpin, ARA, Hertz Appraisal Services, Kankakee, IL, has been awarded the Accredited Rural Appraiser (ARA) designation from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers® (ASFMRA®).